Please remember EVERY Crop Situation is differnt!!!
Corn Final Plant Dates: Iowa May 31, 2020 Illinois June 5, 2020
Please if you are not able to finish planting your corn on or
before your final plant date please contact me ASAP!!
Prevent Planting Coverage:
Questions that should be asked -
Did insured notify us within 72 hours after the final planting date, if there was no intent to plant the insured crop during the late planting period or if a late planting period is not applicable and indicate that they will not be able to plant the crop within any applicable late planting period?
No - Remove prevented planting areage fromt he policy. No premium is due and no payment is owed.
YES - Then THREE Things to look at:
1) No 2nd Crop Planted -= 1st crop - 100% PP Premium and 1st crop - 100% PP Payment - If insured report no 2nd crop, but a 2nd crop is subsequently planted.....Was teh 2nd crop planted before the final planting date (if the crop has not late planting period) or during the late planting period (as applicable) for the 2st insured crop? YES = Revised 2st crop PP Premium and payment to "0" - If 2nd Crop is insurable: 2nd Crop - 100% Premium and 2nd Crop - 100% Indemnity. If NO = 1st crop Premium and Payment - 1st Crop - 35% Premium - 1st Crop - 35% Payment. If 2nd Crop is insurable 2nd Crop - 100% Premium and 2nd Crop 100% Indemnity.
2) Acreage Qualifies for Double Cropping - 1st Crop - 100% PP Premium - 1st Crop - 100% PP Payment - 2nd Crop - 100% Premium and 2nd Crop 100% Indemnity.
3) 2nd Crop Planted - A second crop is: 1) Next occurrence of planting any agricultural commodity following a first Insured Crop. 2) Volunteer Crop. 3) Cover Crop that is harvested, hayed, or grazed.
Was the Second Crop planted or hayed or grazed or otherwide harvested on or before the end o the late planting period of the first crop, or the final planting date if no late planting period is applicable?
YES: No Prem ium due on PP acres - No Payment made on PP acres - If 2nd Crop is insurable: 2nd Crop- 100% Premium - 2nd Crop - 100 Indemnity.
NO: 1st Crop - 35% PP Premium - 1st Crop - 35% PP Payment - If 2nd Crop is insurable: 2nd Crop -100% Premium & 2nd Crop - 100 Indemnity
NOTES: 1) Unless the double cropping requirement are met, whenever the insured elects to plant a second crop on the acreage where the first crop was prevented from being planted, a yield equal to 60% of the approved yiedl for the first insured crop will be used to calculate the average yield for subsequent crop years for the first insured crop.
2) If the second crop platned is an insurable crop ont he policy, it must be reported and insured (no option to not insure the second crop if it is insurable).
Replant is defined as replacing the seed of the insured crop with seed of the same crop.
If you need to replant - you must file a notice of loss with your agent and the acreage must be inspected by a loss adjuster BEFORE you replant the acreage.
Qualifications: Must be replanting a qualifying crop that was damaged by an insured cause of loss. Replanting at least 20 acres or 20% of the insured planted acreage in the unit, whichever is less.
The appraised production must be less than the applicable production guarantee allowed in the Crop Provisions.
If you plant before the Earliest Plant Date in the special provisions - you will still have the same coverage, however, you will not qualify for a replanting payment under your MPCi policy.
If you replant, what planting date do I certify on my Acreage report? - You will report the date the crop was initially planted.
Do you have to replant the damaged crop? yes, if we determine it is practicle to replant, you must replant the crop regardless of whether you qualify for a replanting payment.
You can only receive one replant payment per acre.
Your premium will NOT be deducted from your replant payment.
Replant payments will be paid when your acreage report has been received and processed into the system.
Payment: The lesser of 20% of the production guarantee or Corn - 8 bu per acres x projected price x share
Beans - 3 bus per acre x projected price x share
Must have adjuster consent prior to replanting!!!
Call us anytime, even outside of our regular business hours:
Office Phone: 309.924.2377
Fax: 309.924.1966
F.A.R.M.1, LLC
215 N. Mary Street
Stronghurst, IL 61480
Michelle Olin
Owner Agent
Phone: 309.337.0753
Mark Porter
Phone: 641.919.1303
Andrea Burrell
Office Manager/Agent
Phone: 309.337.5843
Or use our contact form.
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